The MINT team conducts research in Human-Computer Interaction on the notion of
"extended interaction in observed situations", covering contexts such as
interfaces in public spaces, artistic performances, teaching, but also
rehabilitation (e.g., a practitioner observing a patient) or collaboration in
More specifically, we focus on three main goals:
Allowing spectators and collaborators in complex public interactions to better
understand and appreciate them by extending them using mixed reality
displays, with an application to artistic performances
Enriching interactions in the physical space with objects or other persons,
through gesture recognition, novel techniques and devices, and the
integration of virtual components (visual, auditory or haptic)
with an application to the cultural and medical fields
Extending existing tactile and gestural interfaces by adding multimodal
feedback, in order to enrich or transform the user experience and their
possibilities of interaction with virtual content, with an application
to the field of data exploration
The team will present three projects at the IEEE VR Conference in March in
Saint-Malo :
the paper "Examining the Design Process for 3D Interactions in Performing
Arts : A Spatial Augmented Reality Cyber-Opera Case Study" (Cagan Arslan,
Florent Berthaut)
the paper "Behavioral Measures of Copresence in Co-located Mixed Reality"
(Pierrick Uro, Florent Berthaut, Thomas Pietrzak, Marcelo Wanderley)
the artistic installation "Reverberations" (Sebastien
Beaumont, Florent Berthaut)
Two PhD students joined the team, in co-supervision with Valérie Gouranton and
Ronan Gaugne @ IRISA, Rennes, and fully or partially funded by the
Guillaume Vallet will investigate immersive participatory artistic
performances, looking at new metaphors for collaboration between artists and
audience members in virtual environments.
Nathan Salin will work on co-creation in virtual environments between
different modalities (music, dance, visual art ...)
Esther Gruy presented a paper on a new approach and device for
musical drawing in extended reality with a physical interaction loop
at the NIME conference.
A collaboration with Detjon Brahimaj and colleagues of the L2EP
was presented as a paper at the French
national conference on Human Computer Interaction : IHM 2023.
"Cross-modal interaction of stereoscopy, surface deformation and tactile feedback on the perception of texture roughness in an active touch condition"
The paper is accessible here.
A performance of the project
Vibrating Shapes in collaboration
with Sebastien Beaumont and Ivann Cruz, was selected to be presented at the
Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2023.
The "revealed" augmented reality technology designed by the team (presented here and here ) will be used in the cyber-opera "Terres Rares" created by Éolie Songe.
Vincent Reynaert will be presenting a paper entitled The Effect of Rhythm in Mid-air Gestures on the User Experience in Virtual Reality at INTERACT 2021.
Fatma Ben Guefrech presented the paper on "Revealable Volume Displays" at IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces. The paper also received a honorable mention.
The team will be presenting a paper at IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2021 entitled : "Reveable Volume Displays : 3D Exploration of Mixed-Reality Public Exhibitions. More details soon !